Sunday, July 10, 2005

Endlich in Deutschland!

I am finally in Germany since tuesday night. All here seems reaööy weird to me, and I am sooo tired cause I'm speaking german all the time, and I really need to concentrate to understand people all the time, but I am well and happy. The three days at mt mother in law's went by really fast and I must admit that we had lots of fun, talked a lot, we went to visit a castle in Kreveld (Burg Linn) and it was really just good old girl talk, about relationships, my boyfriends parents history...

We got to know each other pretty well, and I was really happy, cuz she told me that she likes me and would be very happy to have me as a daughter in law, so that's always a good sign. Friday night we had a family party, and everyone was really impressed with my german so I'm glad and relieved that I can talk with people without having problems. The other night I realized I was talking to myself in german!

that was fast...

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