Wednesday, October 10, 2007

I wanna be a rockstar

at least two shots in this video were filmed in Berlin...


Rat In A Cage said...

ZZ Top is playing in my area tonight. I saw them back in high school in 1985 or 1986. I forget. You were three or four. They were old then. I want to be a rock star too.

Rat In A Cage said...

A bunch from NYC too including a few from Grand Central Terminal where I just was!

The Flatiron building in my photos!

Times Square also!

I've also been to some of the Chicago scenes & the Sydney Opera House.

Very cool.

Of course all of the blondes with giant breasts were from L.A. !

dean said...

Berlin semble vraiment être en devenir une ville à la mode. J'imagine que ça se développe bien par là?

Françoise said...

Hmmm Berlin est en train de devenir à la mode? Si oui, c'est pour son coté alternatif, underground, différent, en pleine émulsion!