Thursday, July 19, 2007

Mon cerveau vomit!!

Yet another exam was written today - 90 minutes, 10 questions, answers were to be only in keywords... hopefully the professor will understand my german!

two exams left! Next week, one on wednesday and one on thursday. I still have to study a bit, but the "break" in between is more than welcome.

In other news, bike riding in Berlin is definitely a dangerous sport. After my two accidents in June, I must say that I really watch out now and am extra careful - my friends are thinking about buying me knee and elbow pads, but hopefully the madness has stopped.

I have a really good feeling about this exam period... The last semesters, I always just hoped to pass, and always did, but this time I actually feel like a have a pretty good chance of getting really good marks on all my exams. It's probably a sign of me finally being fully adapted to the german university system.

I also have to say, that as the semesters go by, I deeply feel that I have found my calling. I'm in the right field of studies! Yay me!

AND one of my really really good friends is going to be working in Switzerland for... FOUR MONTHS! I am SO HAPPY! I am so going to fly down there, or take the train, or hitch hike - hell, I'll even ride my bike there if I have to, but I'm finally going to see her! We've been planning for years to go hiking in the alps... It's going to be one crazy party. (She's the friend who flew to Berlin for my Birthday last year and brought me to Paris for three days - no comment!)

I can't wait to see her!!!!!

I kinda have no idea precisely what I'm going to do during august and september (no uni) but I do know I have 6 weeks of paid vacation I still have to use (okok, paid part time, but still) and will make the best of it... I think I'll just let life surprise me.


1 comment:

dean said...

Good... sois ouverte pour toutes les belles choses de la vie!!