Friday, September 02, 2005

please know what you see is not the truth

so, this evening we decided to watch the north american ( canadian actually ) news as well as the german one. Both showed how people are in desperate need, both showed how anarchy is taking it's toll in new orleans...

One of them showed how help is finally arriving and that work is being done. the other didn't. I'll let you guess which one did which.

Yeah, I'm sitting here, FURIOUS. The german reporter was in Biloxi, LA. Stating that there are still people 4 days after the catastrophy. 4 days. That is too long for the richest country in the world. Other countries are sending stuff. For what? They do not lack resources, but rather are not able to organize help, or should I say, unwilling to help the poorest, blackest state of the US. Well anyways, the international press was not told that the president would be coming in biloxi. Actually, it was more by accident that this reporter was there and saw what she did. a SHOW

about two minutes before everywhere where the president was, were bulldozers, soldiers, HELP and search teams. Not for the president. For the north american press that travels with him. So that all north americans can believe that finally help is there. LIES

If you are in north america right now, KNOW that what you see on tv is not true. It is a show. What kind of government does the US have? Ask yourselves questions. Help is not there yet, and what is there is completely disorganized. This is what we see here.

Oh, and one last thing: one of the reasons why there aren't enough soldiers to help in New Orleans is because the "available" people were all sent to Irak. hmph

It has been 4 days since Katrina.

LA: estimated 10,000 deaths. thousands are still waiting.


Françoise said...

scrappy: right about the spelling, my mother tongue is french...

after seeing so many images of people waiting for days and days for water and food, can you seriously say you are satisfied with the way help is being brought?

Even Bush said this morning the way help was organized up to now was unacceptable.

while it might be true the US rebuilt Germany after WWII, I hardly see the relevance in this context. WWII aftermath has nothing to do with the situation at hand.

As for your suggestion to" stay the fuck out and go to Germany", I would like to remind you that I AM already in Germany, and that I find this level of debate particuliarly immature.

One question I do have, though. Texas is so close to Louisiana. What is the situation there? Are Texan leaders being criticized for not helping fast enough? (ie. sending the 500 buses New Orleans has been asking for)


Anonymous said...

C'est C du blogue à MTL (le cul proche d'la ville). Je veux juste pas que l'immature qui t'a écrit un commentaire se retrouve sur mon blogue, de là mon statut anonyme.

Ça doit être un p'tit jeune frustré ou un vieux ancien combattant qui t'a écrit ce commentaire. Même pas foutu de savoir que le nom de certains pays ne s'écrivent pas de la même manière, tout dépendant des langues!

Je crois que c'est carrément ridicule ce qui arrive à la Nouvelle-Orléans (merde, New Orleans - désolée! loll). Tout comme la guère en Iraq (loll), ça rapporte beaucoup de bidous à Bush alors ça risque de durer longtemps.

C'est très triste de voir à quel point l'argent surpasse la valeur des êtres humains.

Françoise said...

lol esti que tu me fais rire! le cul proche de la ville. en effet, je crois que c etait un trou de cul, mais neways il a pas repondu et de toute facon c clair qu il est completement ignorant sur le sujet... et je suis dac avec les bidous de bush!!!

Anthony said...

I can’t read that last comment you wrote, as my linguistics are limited to English and a barely passable Spanish, but I wouldn’t mind scrappy’s comment too much. He is obviously sensitive to the criticism of his country and its leadership by a foreigner and is desperate to come to their defense. I admit that this was my first reaction, but I realize that though I am as patriotic as any, I constantly criticize our leadership (and I agree that this situation had been handled poorly). It only makes sense then that one without any blinding loyalties should also criticize. As for aid from other countries, I don’t believe that we need it other than the reassurance of friendship that it brings. What does frustrate me, is everyone bring Iraq into this. Whether I agree or disagree with Iraq is of no consequence. One of the things that guarantee the liberties of our citizens is that federal troops are not used to enforce domestic policy or police our citizens. Even if all of our armed forces were home, they would not be able to do much to help. Individual Governors may active their perspective National Guard units to operate in their own states, but that would be the extent of troops to be used. For the most part, our country relies on our local governments to keep order and care for the people. The federal government gives monetary aid to the states in time of need and encourages non-governmental agencies such as the Red Cross to help out, but ultimately the State is responsible for the Relief effort.

Françoise said...

hi anthony, thanks for your comment.
I agree with the friendship part abour other countries'help. I also agree with the fact that federal troops should not be used to police citizens in their own country. however, I think the fact abour Iraq is that this war is controversial... and a reason why troops are not in the country. where I disagree with you, is that if they were home they couldn't do anything. If I were in my home country (Canada) and such a catastrophy would happen, I would expect the army to come help bring food, water, medical support and to help rescue people. I am not talking about the looters and other stuff, since that would indeed be policing the citizens, but when there are so many people out there needing help...

as a foreigner, in my point of view it is very hard to conceive that state vs federal "who is responsible/has to deal with it" would even come into question. Maybe you can clear this up for me, but after realizing just how many people were in desperate need of help, I don't understand why domestic politics would even be spoken of... help first, politics after?

but that's just the piece of mind of an outsider...

Miss Me said...

It's a healthy reaction to be furious. It's terrible what happened.

Françoise said...


yeah, my german is getting better and better...

i highly doubt you're becoming illiterate.

I hope you'll stop by here regularly!
