Monday, January 07, 2008

Happy New Year!

I came back last night and was so exhausted that I slept 12 hours in a row!

My holidays were a bit stressful. My boyfriend was ill from December 25th to January 31st, which really drove me crazy ( he had a really high fever and nothing would lower it). The first night he was sick I didn't sleep, taking his temperature every hour, waking him up to give him aspirin or a cold bath... Nothing was helping.

The following days weren't so bad, but he was really weak and couldn't eat anything. Then his mom was totally stressing us out because we missed the family dinner at her place on the 26th. When my boyfriend was finally better, she suggested friday evening, that we should come over and sleep theree and stay until saturday. The thing is, I was leaving on Sunday and because my bpyfriend was sick, there were a lot of stuff we wanted to do we hadn't done, and would probably do on friday night, like go out, or to the theater, or meat up with friends we had cancelled before... On top of that, sleeping there on Friday would have meant losing half of saturday (she lives outside of cologne). On top of that, we know she hates cooking for people and having guests, so we thought she would be happy if we invited her here instead, I would cook for her, and she didn't need to pay for wine. We told her she could chose any other evening, we would love to have her over, and she could see where her son is living know. Well, she got insulted that we didn't want to come over on the date she chose, under the conditions she chose, she got pissed off and called it all off.

We then got presents through the mail with a card saying " if you don't want to come to the presents, at least the presents come to you". How mature. And she made sure to leave the price on my present. I don't know if it's the same here, but back home this is really impolite.

Besides that, we had a great time at the boyfriend's dad's and stepmom's place. We had a great Christmas evening there the 24th. As usual, I was showered wth gifts and love. These people are so generous. We also went with the whole family to a spanish restaurant, which was really nice.

On the 31st we had a beautiful view on the Dome of Cologne and watched the fireworks on the shores of the Rhine. We visited my boyfriend's Granny on the first and she told us funny stories of when he was little. On my last day in Cologne, I was really spoiled by my boyfriend: we went shopping the whole day, got new shoes, clothes, a necklace and in the evening we went to this great italian restaurant, and then came home and watched a movie with a good bottle of wine. Needless to say, it was difficult leaving yesterday...

On the other hand, I was happy to be in my lovely little nest here in Berlin today. The boyfriend will be here on Friday night for the weekend.

What are your new year's resolutions? Mine are simple: write a good bachelor paper, live in a more healthy way, and I mean that physically and spiritually: more exercise, better quality foods, less stress, less work, less worrying, more yoga and meditation :)

I am going to start my meditating by meditating on my vacation in march :) We're probably flying to marocco for 10 days, but still looking around for other good last minute deals.

2008, here I come!!


Julius said...

It's totally impolite to leave the price on a gift.

Happy new year by the way!

dean said...

Love your objectives!! Nice!

Sa mère ne changera jamais... ;)

Bonne année à toi miss!! xox

Rat In A Cage said...

Sorry about that wacky mother in law. Glad time time with his dad went well, and you need a hot little nurse outfit! Meow!