Thursday, November 22, 2007

I want to be a babe

I really really really want to be super hot.

not skinny, but a curvy, hot babe. Like a suicide girl.

Yeah, that would be good.

What do you think? Ok, I'm off to try to find motivation pics...


dean said...

Nice!! Excellent même!

Focus, focus!!

Mais je ne peux mentir en disant que tu es jolie quand même... ;)

Françoise said...

Dino: :) merci

Claudine said...

Suicide babe! Tu l'es déjà... :)

Françoise said...

Claudine: mettons suicide girl en construction... ;)

Julius said...

Mais tu viens au brunch ce dimanche? Si non, je serais infiniment triste :-(

Julius said...

You should be lucky that you're a woman. I have to lose weight AND I have to get buff. I can tell you how strenuous it is, to get super hawt! Unfortunately, I'm still very far away from being buff.

Anyway, I'll support you. At least mentally.

Rat In A Cage said...

Hubba hubba!

Françoise said...

Julius: I know it's twice as hard for men. And it'a already so damn hard for us girls...

Anonymous said...


have you realized that your new profil picture makes you look like you've grown a goatty?... or mayby I'm juste too tired,... it's past midnight and I need to crash... I'll send some more POSITIVE comments tommorow then...

in the mean time: Don't worry too much... you're hot, even with a goatty...

Rat In A Cage said...

Avril killed me again. I didn't think of it that way the first time I saw the photo, but that's funny. Suicide Girls don't have chin scruff...or shirts.