Tuesday, June 28, 2005

The Roller-Coaster

It's really weird being home for just one week before moving really far away. At the same time, I am feeling so excited about moving, so happy that it's finally happening, but at the same time really sad about leaving behind my family and friends. I don't know when I'll see a lot of them, and it's hard. Yay for the emotional roller-coaster, I feel like a hamster on hormones, running everywhere trying to fit everyone in my schedule, and going through an never-ending good-bye.

I'm really happy to be back in Montreal, and I've decided to just sit back and enjoy my time here, because for quite a while as of next week, every time I come home there will be limited time and many farewells...

Monday, June 27, 2005

Life goes on

Hey everyone! So here I am in Montreal since thursday... it feels like I haven't been here in ages, I can't wait to see my friends, but... it's like realizing that while I've been away, their lives have gone on! Even one of my friends with who i used to hang out with doesn't have much time to see me... I guess that's what happens when you leave for a while: you keep in your mind the memories of how it was when you lived there, but everyone else moves on, and when you come back, it's awkward... thank god for family! I'll be going out with my little firefighter brother on tuesday night, so that's going to be cool...

It's hard to see who are your real friends and who aren't... with what I've lived with in the past months, I can say that often, the people who really care about you and keep in touch are not always those you imagined would... and unfortunately, often those who you were sure would always stay in your life... don't.

ah well, I guess life goes on, and as I chose to leave, I can't expect others to hang on to our friendship and communication. That, my friend, is the liberty of personnal choice... to make your own, and leave others free to choose as well!

Saturday, June 25, 2005

The mother in law

As I will be arriving two or three days in Germany before my boyfriend, I get to be picked up at the airport by and spend that time with ... his mother.

This makes me soooo nervous, I've already met her and I think she liked me, but it will be very different spending so much time alone with her... With the cultural differences and all, I am so afraid of messing up with her, or doing or saying something wrong... I hope it will go well and we will get along.

Last night I dreamt that I was talking to her on the phone, and said something wrong without knowing it, and she got really mad and refused to speak to me!

Any bad or good experiences with mothers in law or tips for me?

Moving - for someone?

Okay, so people keep telling me how huge this move I'm making is... That I am sacrificing so much just to follow my boyfriend to Germany. My opinion on the subject is however a lot different. First of all, studying abroad is an experience that many people have, and in certain countries, your education is not quite complete if you haven't experienced first hand a different culture for a prolonged period of time. I see it as more of a wonderful opportunity I have, and that it would be difficult to pass the experience!

Honestly, I can't wait to be in Germany! One of the first things I want to do is visit a supermarket and observe all the different products and food! It is going to be so much fun starting to live in a new way, being in contact with a different way of conceiving the world, in a new language! Learning new ways of doing almost everything!

Germany is going to be great, to learn the history, visit the castles in the mountains (beautiful!), drink high quality and inexpensive beer ( aurevoir Coors light and Bleue!) go clubbing in Berlin, spend afternoons in Beer gardens talking with friends, and so much more!

If you could spend another year abroad, where would you go and why?


So here I am in Montreal, after the fabulous 18 hour bus ride. What a ride! the first bus ride overnight from norfolk to new york was full, and I was stuck next to a guy who snored and farted until 2 am, and then decided he wanted to talk until 4 am! UGH! I couldn't sleep anyways... there were 2 buses following each other, and at 3 am the other bus kicked off another girl because she kept talking loudly and walking up and down the aisle and wouldn't listen to the driver... in the middle of nowhere, at 3 am, the girl tried to get on our bus, but the driver wouldn't let her, and she got stuck there!!

I had forgotten how many homeless people there was on the street in montreal... but it's good to be home!

saying of the day: success isn't a destination, it is the journey.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Going home

Today was my last day in Virginia Beach, I'm taking the Greyhound tomorrow (18 hours to montreal - yay!) today we went to the beach for the last time. It's always funny how the last day something bad always happens. My boyfriend was in the water today and a huge wave crashed on him so hard he was rammed into the ocean floor, and now has a huge bloody bruise going down most of the left side of his back... Earlier the waves were really weak, but they had gotten really strong!

I'm really excited about going home, seeing my friends and family that I haven't seen in two months, but at the same time, it looks like it's going to be pretty hectic : I'm there for ten days only, and everybody wants to have a evening with me! It's so hard to coordinate my time! I've resorted to dividing my days and evenings, say driving to ottawa for lunch with my grandma and coming back to go out with my friends, but this is going to be really complicated. Plus, I'm staying at my mom's, and she took some days off to spend more time with me, but that just complicates everything! And almost everybody is guilt-tripping me about how they can't believe I'm doing this, and how we don't know when we'll see each other the next time, and it's driving me crazy!

The funniest thing is, old friends, friends that I would hardly see twice a year when I still was in Montreal are freaking out about my leaving, but in reality, we didn't even get together so often anyways. I'm not saying they're not great friends and that I'm not really grateful to have them in my life, but say I come back to visit once or twice a year, not much will change in our relaitonship and how often we see each other.

funny, I guess sometimes you really just want to be with someone when you know that they are leaving...

Tuesday, June 21, 2005


Ok, I am really ashamed of myself... It started out as a really good idea. My boyfriend and I, staying in Virginia Beach for a while, had decided that we were going to save a lobster! The plan was simple: buy a lobster at the local farm fresh, bring him home, and then set him free in the ocean at the beach... It just seemed like a really good idea, saving a lobster's life and all but... we got home, the phone rings and it's my boyfriend's colleague. So we put the lobster (Ned) in the sink with some water, so he won't die... Guess what? LOBSTERS DIE IN FRESH WATER!!! I had even put some salt in the water... half an hour later, I walked up to the sink to check on Ned and... Dead! I shamefully admit that I, Francoise, have killed a lobster tonight!

Farewell, Ned, R.I.P.

My First Post!

Hi everyone! I'm really excited, this is my first post on my blog... As I am soon leaving Canada to move to Germany, you will be able to follow my journey! So I guess this will be my online journal while adapting to my new life over there: university in Berlin, finding a job, finding an apartment... Here goes nothin'!