Saturday, May 30, 2009

oooh, I should've become an ASTRONOMER!!!

*** thoughts after watching Contact, with Jodie Foster***

I'll tell you a little secret about me: I've always been fascinated by alien life forms, ever since I was a little girl. I would stand on my balcony and look up to the sky, wondering...

Roswell & Area 51, bring it on!!

*sigh* so many things to do, so little time...


Rat In A Cage said...

I thought French Canadian was an alien life form all these years.


Anonymous said...

You should have seen the one that emerged from Eric's belly... it had thick spectacles and a tiny calculator in it's front shirt pocket! sadly it died almost instantly but at least we know now why my hubby is so neardy: it wasn't genetic, it was the alien!!!!
