Sunday, October 26, 2008

Everything zen

The semester has started, classes have been attended, homework has been done, texts have been read... All in all, I must say that I'm very satisfied about my classes up to now, and excited about doing my masters degree.

I have a lot of school work to do, and I'm working alot of hours a week, but somehow I feel productive, active and fulfilled. I'm surprused I'm not panicking, but I guess I'm growing. I actually have the feeling that I can trust my abilities to manage the challenge of mastering my studies.

There's a word in German for that, it's called Selbstwirksamkeitserwartung. And mine is very positive. What a nice feeling.


Julius said...

According to Wikipedia, it's "self-efficacy".

Françoise said...

hmm, interesting... I think I would call it "self-efficacy expectation", though...

Rat In A Cage said...

I should print out a little poster with that word on it for work. I am currently handling three massive projects - I think any one of the three could crush a person and send them running to the door. I am not quite sure how I am balancing (and making progress) on all of them. A few weeks ago I was a little freaked out, but a clam sense has washed over me too. I guess I have Selbstwirksamkeitserwartung! Cool. As always, continued best wishes on your studies!!!

Rat In A Cage said...

Yes, a clam sense. Jerk. Calm.

dean said...

Et tu sais dire ça ce mot là?! Gee!

Françoise said...

ratty: stick to the mollusc feeling and all will be good ;)

dean: oui, je sais même dire des mots pas mal plus longs que ça...