Thursday, April 17, 2008

Power Yoga A1

Tonight I had my first power yoga class. Part of me was a bit scared, part of me was curious. The description of the course said it's the most physically demanding type of yoga.

I'd been thinking about it all day, and was frankly quite nervous. I walked to the studio, and had butterflies in my stomach. I kept asking myself if I could really do it and what the other participants would be like. I really felt like a first grader on the first day of school.

Finally, the class went really well and I was able to do all the different exercises - I'm really proud of myself!

90 minutes of discovering muscles you never knew you had was amazing! I can't wait until next week...


dean said...

Ben oui, tu vas être bonne. Good job! J'aime bien, le power yoga! J'y suis allé trois fois avec Mini en janvier...

Tu vas y retourner j'espère... ;)

Rat In A Cage said...

Congratulations! I don't remember all of this pink. Getting all girly now?

Françoise said...

dean: sur sur, que je vais y retourner! J'ai vraiment bien aimé!
Dans le cours où tu es allé, Mini értait participante ou elle donnait le cours?

rat: thanks and yep!