Wednesday, December 05, 2007

The week's results

This week I have been walking, walking, walking and doing a lot of pilates...

and I lost 0,8 kg (800 grams, or 1.75 pounds)

Eric, my friend who is visiting, has been cooking for me, making my lunches and checking me to see if I really eat up everything he gives me...

So up to now, I have lost 5.5 pounds (2,5 kg) and still have 1.5 pounds to go til Christmas... It'll be difficult, because after Eric leaves, a friend of mine will be visiting from Switzerland and I know no matter how often I tell her "please don't bring any chocolate", I know she'll do it anyways... So I'll pass it on to my friends at a Christmas dinner two days later (Julius don't be mad, I won't give you any, it will be for the others, kay? ;)

Now that's what I call planning!

It's been raining non stop the past days, the weather is mild here. I think I'm going to miss Canada around Christmas time, the snow and all, but at least I'll get to be two whole weeks with my boyfriend. Yay!!


Rat In A Cage said...

Congratulations!!! I'm very happy for you. Enjoy those two weeks!!

Julius said...

No, I won't be mad. In fact, if you gave me choclate, I would eat it in a hurry and I would hate myself afterwards.

But I will tempt you with cookies!

Anonymous said...

lighten up, girl. life is not all about counting calories. you should have more fun and less "food control", especially around Christmas time! :)

Julius said...

I totally agree with steffi!

dean said...

Le Rick te fait ta bouffe? Mais il te traite en reine...! Mais, je crois que c'est légitime, tu l'héberges, non?

Tellement cool girl, continu ainsi, c'est les choix que tu fais qui sont importants!

Julius said...

"Eric [...] is [...] checking me to see if I really eat up everything he gives me..."

On traite une reine comme ça? Permets-moi d'en douter!