Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Appreciating Happiness

Has it ever happened to you to just be walking in the street, sitting at home, in the subway, wherever, and just thinking:

"I am so happy"

"I feel so fulfilled"

"I know I am where am I meant to be"?

Well, to me it has been happening more and more often. Every choice I make, every opportunity I receive, every smile I discover on my own lips, not even knowing it was there... These are bits and pieces of happiness.

Life has been telling me I have been making right decisions. Through new opportunities, signs, coincidences (which actually aren't)... I appreciate it so much. I'm in love with my life right now, and never want this feeling to stop.

I'm not saying I'm satisfied and happy 24 hours a day. I'm just saying I have somehow learned to accept the moments of sadness and unsatisfaction as either chances to learn and improve or a lesson to be able to appreciate to its full extent the next moment of pure bliss.

I have made the decision to be happy in my life. Yes, it is a decision.

I have chosen myself.

and it feels great.


Anonymous said...

Trop nice... À Maui, je me suis rendu compte d'un feeling vraiment incroyable, quelque chose que je n'avais jamais vraiment ressenti avant. Comme un gros MERCI de la vie! Tu l'expliques très bien!

Je t'embrasse!

Dino xx

Anonymous said...

Trop nice... À Maui, je me suis rendu compte d'un feeling vraiment incroyable, quelque chose que je n'avais jamais vraiment ressenti avant. Comme un gros MERCI de la vie! Tu l'expliques très bien!

Je t'embrasse!

Dino xx

Anonymous said...

désolé pour les 2 posts! hihi