Sunday, January 29, 2006


A question has been running through my head well... pretty much my whole life. What is impossible? What makes something impossible? Is there really something that is impossible? hmm...

Of course, when thinking about laws of nature, one could argue that some things are impossble. I will never, for example,be able to jump 5 meters high. These are objective impossibilities. But actually, I believe the lives of people are made up of subjective impossibilities, or put more positively: subjective possibilities!

What holds you back from packing your bags and moving to a new country? Just to try it. Just to see if it would work. Just to test your limits. or capacities. What made it possible for me to learn german in three years and move here and what makes it impossible for family members of mine to even imagine that they could one day travel to Europe to visit me? Subjective impossibilities. Subjective limits.

I believe we force limits upon ourselves. Some of these were imposed on us culturally, by our family, parents, some of them we chose ourselves. If you really want something, you can achieve it. Everyone has so many hidden talents, hidden capacities, and we don't push ourselves, so we don't develop or experience it. We are all to some point a stranger to ourselves. Open up. Forget the walls in your head and ask yourself the following questions:

1) what if it was possible?
2) what are you doing?

Answering these and other questions arouses the personal awareness. Where are you in your life and what do you want? Then, the snow ball effect comes flying in. If you push yourself spiritually, intellectually, and physically, you will discover things you thought were objective impossibilities.

Take nothing for granted. Do not mix up subjective impossibilities with objective impossibilities. Require the best of yourself, but know how to accept your failures, use them to grow.

Live now


Françoise said...

No, I am trying to have positive impact on other peoples lives through what I'm experiencing...

Anonymous said...

J'adore, plus même j'aime. Évidemment, tu penses ce que je pense. Thanks. Eh, j'ai fait une demande today, et ça a pris 15min pour avoir une réponse, comique, je te raconte ça en email. ciao
