Tuesday, August 02, 2005

and.........we're off!

Hey evryone! I got my first german vaccination yesterday in a real german doctor s office. She was really nice and my boyfriend was even allowed on the office with me so he could translate the more technical terms:) I am PREPARED to fight TICKS!!!

Bring it on, ticks and your virus-induced meningitis! HA!

so we're off in one hour to tonight Rothenfels, tomorrow Bamberg, friday Nürnberg, weekend Vienna and next week slowly making our way back on thursday or friday...

promise to come back with tons of stories + pics!


1 comment:

Françoise said...

allison: hi and welcome to my blog! no, they don't have vaccinations against fleas, only the ticks carry this FSME virus...

clare: what do you want to do here? travael, work, study? It seems to be actually pretty easy to work under the table here... so if you don't have it ALL before you leave, it's not the end of the world... Sexology is the study of human sexuality in all of its apsects: sexual health and STDs, sexual anthropology, biology, Sexual orientation, variations of sexuality's expression, sexuality and the law (in canada), models of sexuality in our society, etc... basically sexuality in all its forms, and I'm NOT talking about blow-job, doggy style, etc ;)

more like different society and cultural movements, acceptanc eand how to help others, especially by becoming aware of our own pre-conceived notions... it's pretty hard to describe without a conversation, but it's quite interesting.