Tuesday, June 02, 2009

I fell in love with a movie and its soundtrack...

I've been refusing to watch Twilight, thinking
a) it's a teenie movie
b) therefore it must royally suck.

I was soooo wrong.
I watched the movie this weekend, and looooooove it! Can't wait for New Moon!

Here's a video of Paramore, a band I've been listening to for a couple of months. Songs of theirs are also featured on the Twilight soundtrack and I really think they're gifted. Listen to it, there aren't that many bands in the same musical category and with female lead vocals which are as good as they are!


Rat In A Cage said...

Don't beat yourself up. I still watch Hillary Duff every day. =)

Stella said...

Hey das dachte ich zuerst auch über den Film und als ich ihn mir dann angeguckt habe, musste ich mir gleich die Bücher kaufen und die sind alle vier tausend mal besser wie der Film ;) Nächstes Jahr kommen sogar zwei Teile ins Kino Januar New Moon und im Juni oder Juli Eclipse :)
LG und bis bald in Bad Honnef ;) ...

Françoise said...

rat: what??? that's hilarious! I'm releaved!
Stelli: ja, ich habe auch daran gedacht, mir die Bücher zu kaufen. Ich freue mich trotzdem auf die Filme, der Haptdarsteller ist einfach traumhaft! ;)

Rat In A Cage said...

Seeing you switch languages there reminds me how sexy your voice was when we spoke & you switched languages. Meow!

Oder sollte ich sagen, meow?

Françoise said...

rat: hold your horses! I bet you're actually an under cover special agent of some sort and actually speak fluently french and german!

Rat In A Cage said...

Oui, c'est vrai.

Ou devrais-je dire meow?

Rat In A Cage said...

Je souhaite obtenir de votre porte!

Oops, that just slipped out.

Es war ein Versprecher, so zu sprechen.

I have to go to work! Be good.