Friday, August 01, 2008

Welcome to the world!

Welcome to the world, Emil Linus!!

A good friend of mine had her baby Wednesday morning and today I had the pleasure, the honour, to be among the first people to see him.

Cutest baby ever! And so sweet and quiet and cuddly and... I almost had to cry when I saw him. It's like I can't even express in words all the emotions I was having.

This tiny being, lying in my arms, sleeping. The happy, ecstatic parents. Perfect.

I felt right away unconditional love for this tiny baby boy.

And I can't wait, when the time is right, not now, but someday, to have my own...

1 comment:

Rat In A Cage said...


Good job tossing in the "not now" so I didn't have to give you the speech.